

伊莉斯谢弗于3月初前往犹他州, 在大流行限制之前, where she visited Spiral Jetty at Rozel Point and other public art destinations for her research. 


宾州中央谷. -作为一个著名的研究机构, Penn State emphasizes the value of research and supports student initiative to contribute to their field of learning in significant ways. 中国博彩平台 students have the opportunity to work with esteemed faculty members to complete research at the undergraduate level. Students have ample opportunities to present their research and findings at conferences and regional symposiums. Students published research and delivered poster and paper presentations to a wide range of symposiums, journals and research competitions in degrees ranging from arts administration to electrical engineering.

中国博彩平台的学生发表了研究报告, 2019年5月至2020年4月期间的海报演讲和论文演讲包括:

“访问 & 《中国博彩平台》作者:伊莉斯谢弗 (2020届毕业生, arts administration); Elizabeth Flaherty, 副教授, 艺术行政和荣誉项目协调员, 担任教师导师. Schaffer’s research determined how public art destinations in the United States can become more accessible to create an equal experience for people with disabilities while remaining specific to the general meaning and design of the artwork and discussing the attitudinal, 金融, 在创建适应性和变得更易于访问方面的组织和架构障碍. 为改善可达性而提出的调整建议也包括在内. Her research was presented at the virtual 2020 Penn State Undergraduate Research Symposium and placed second in the arts and humanities category.

“When I learned that Elise had been awarded Penn State’s Undergraduate Student Engagement Network grant, 我知道她的工作不仅会对她自己产生改变, 但是对于更大的社区来说. 时间快进到2020年5月, and anyone on social media is seeing hundreds of cultural institutions making their venues accessible to the entire world. 伊莉斯的研究非常及时, 因为它触及了将人们与艺术联系起来的基本人类需求,弗莱厄蒂说. “她的热情, 激情, 专业精神使这个项目达到了一个全新的水平, and I couldn’t be more delighted to see her earn that University-wide recognition with this second-place award.”

“健康和保健居民调查:为Allentown住房管理局进行的,塞拉Camburn的文章 (2021届), general science: biological and health professions); David Livert, 心理学副教授, 担任她的教师导师. Camburn’s research focused on the physical and mental health and wellness of residents residing in the low-income support housing of the Allentown 住房 Authority. Her report provided evidence for medical needs to the administration in implementing new programs while conducting social science research in the Fall of 2019. 她的报告于2019年10月提交给了阿伦敦房屋管理局.

《中国博彩平台》(Combined Heat and Power),作者:瑞安·卡西迪 (2022届电气工程专业). 特雷西·卡伯内托(特蕾西Carbonetto)是工程学讲师,是他的教师导师. Cassidy’s research focused on the use of government-issues energy data in order to determine the feasibility of a conversion to a combined heat and power system in a building similar to that located on Penn State’s Lehigh Valley campus. 他在大学生多校园研究体验会上展示了他的海报, 大学公园,2019年7月.

约瑟夫Fantuzzi的《中国博彩平台》 (2022届土木工程专业) 奥斯汀·阿扎尔 (2022届土木工程专业); 特蕾西Carbonetto, 工程学讲师, 担任他们的教师导师. Their research focused on rehabilitation of historic structures in the commonwealth of 宾西法尼亚 with emphasis on scaffolding for safe accessibility. 2020年4月在大学公园举办的2020年本科展览上展示的虚拟海报.

“Dynamic-Haptic Robotic Trainer Performance Feedback for Lung Needle Biopsies,” by Saira侯赛因 (2022届机械工程专业). 特雷西·卡伯内托(特蕾西Carbonetto)是工程学讲师,担任她的教师导师. Hussain’s research focused on an instrument and technique that allowed training physicians to perfect lung biopsies in order to prevent complications. 仪器向医生提供仪器反馈. 大学生多校园研究体验活动海报, 大学公园,2019年7月.

“Coating Polyurethane with Palmitoleic Acid and Bovine Serum Albumin to Prevent the Host Response to Foreign Materials,Sheherbano侯赛因说 (2020届生物系) Zoha巴巴 (2020届生物系) 吉米·哈迪德 (2020届生物系). 杰奎琳年代. 生物学副教授麦克劳克林担任他们的教师导师. Research was undertaken to investigate the potential of coating polyurethane with the 'self-like' molecules palmitoleic acid and albumin to reduce or prevent the body’s host response from damaging implanted medical devices. The results suggest the potential role of using these 'self-like' molecules in reducing the inflammatory response to foreign materials. 该研究于2020年3月发表在《中国博彩平台》上.

《中国博彩平台》,乔治·伊萨著 (2021届电气工程专业). 特雷西·卡伯内托(特蕾西Carbonetto)是工程学讲师,是他的教师导师. Issa’s research focused on the continuation of findings for sensors aimed at optimizing solar power residential systems. 大学生多校园研究体验活动海报, 大学公园,2019年7月.


Sahira莫卧儿王朝, Simranpreet考尔 和Fadi Mamari presented virtually at the Society of Public Health Education's 2020 Poster Presentation.


“Behavioral and Academic Impact of Electronic Cigarettes: A Mixed Method Study of Users and Non-Users Among a College Population,作者:Simranpreet考尔 (2020届,生物行为健康) Sahira莫卧儿王朝 (2020届生物行为健康专业) 和Fadi Mamari (2020届生物行为健康专业); 萨曼莎毕比, 生物行为健康项目协调员和生物行为健康讲师, 担任他们的教师导师. Research examined the behavioral and academic impacts of electronic cigarettes on the college population between users and non-users. Research was accepted into the Society of Public Health Education’s (SOPHE) 2020 Poster Presentation and presented virtually in March 2020 in Atlanta, 乔治亚州. The research was also accepted into the 宾西法尼亚 State University 2020 Spring Research Exhibition and presented virtually in 2020年4月.


阿比盖尔·雅各布在东方社会学学会介绍了她的研究, 同行评议报告, in February 2020 in Philadelphia as well as virtually presenting at Penn State Undergraduate Exhibition, 2020年4月. 


阿比盖尔·雅各布的《通勤大学生的家庭支持和心理困扰 (2020届生物行为健康专业). 社会学副教授詹妮弗·帕克(Jennifer Parker)担任她的导师. This cross-sectional study assessed how perceptions of family support predict psychological distress among commuter college students and how demographic variables moderate this influence. Females and low-income students were found to have disproportionately high levels of distress while emotional bonds and quality time spent with family members were found to alleviate distress. 该研究结果发表在《东方社会学学会》上, 同行评议报告, in February 2020 in Philadelphia and presented at the virtual Penn State Undergraduate Exhibition, 2020年4月.



