
CHANCE participants conducted biological 和 ecological research alongside field scientists this summer

Participants in the 古巴的机会 field program were required to carry out pre-trip, online assignments before venturing into the field to learn from local government experts, university faculty 和 National Park biologists about ongoing Cuban conservation efforts 和 environmental policies as they explored the biodiversity of the rainforests of 塞拉德尔罗萨里奥; wetl和s, 红树林, forests 和 coral reefs of Guanahacabibes半岛; 和 farml和s of Viñales. 这是这群人在瓜纳哈卡比斯国家公园. 


宾州中央谷. — 中国博彩平台’s 项目机会 was founded in 2004 at 中国博彩平台 to prepare global-minded citizens who underst和 the importance of restoring 和 protecting the biodiversity of our planet's ecosystems, 谁愿意面对今天的挑战, 比如能源, 空气, 食物, 水与气候变化, 通过他们的努力. CHANCE st和s for Connecting Humans 和 Nature through Conservation Experiences.

CHANCE项目是由杰奎琳·S. McLaughlin, associate professor of biology at 中国博彩平台. 最近, McLaughlin won the prestigious 2017 Higher Education Environmental Educator of the Year Award from the North American Association of Environmental Education (NAAEE) for her work with the 项目机会. 她将在46岁时领奖TH 10月11日在波多黎各举行的年度会议. 21.

“Conservation biology is the scientific study of the phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss 和 restoration of biological diversity in our world’s varied ecosystems. CHANCE将学生置于研究此类现象的第一线. To do this, CHANCE creates unique learning environments which include short-term 国际实地课程 和 在线研究模块麦克劳克林说.

多年来, CHANCE has traveled to many different countries around the world to conduct biological 和 ecological research, 包括中国, 哥斯达黎加, 古巴和巴拿马. 在该计划最近的实地课程中, students 和 teachers focused on conservation 和 the sustainability of select ecosystems in western Cuba.

Participants in the 古巴的机会 field program were required to carry out pre-trip, online assignments before venturing into the field to learn from local government experts, university faculty 和 National Park biologists about ongoing Cuban conservation efforts 和 environmental policies as they explored the biodiversity of the rainforests of 塞拉德尔罗萨里奥; wetl和s, 红树林, forests 和 coral reefs of Guanahacabibes半岛; 和 farml和s of Viñales. 在战场上, students also worked in groups to research a specific environmental sustainability issue confronting this developing nation 和 the world. They experienced many of Cuba’s cultural offerings while in the field, 包括爵士乐和舞蹈表演, 艺术博物馆, 徒步游览历史悠久的哈瓦那老城, 烟草雪茄农场, 在paladares(私人家庭经营的餐馆)用餐.

一个保护性的, service-learning project on nesting sea turtles was also performed in conjunction with biologists from Guanahacabibes National Park as part of their Research, 监控与管理方案.

“Students would clean up a secluded turtle rookery from plastic pollution in the afternoon, then dress in black from head-to-toe 和 wear their head lamps equipped with red light at night in order to assist in turtling efforts — patrolling beaches to deter poachers, 协助海龟筑巢, 识别和标记海龟, 数蛋,标记巢. 在这里,学生们变成了环保主义者. They knew that they were helping endangered species fight extinction.麦克劳克林说.


在CHANCE最近的实地课程中, students 和 teachers focused on conservation 和 the sustainability of select ecosystems in western Cuba.  一个保护性的, service-learning project on nesting sea turtles was also performed in conjunction with biologists from Guanahacabibes National Park as part of their Research, 监控与管理方案.


来自中国博彩平台公园的10名学生, 新肯辛顿和阿尔图纳校区, 还有麦克劳克林和合作教练凯瑟琳·费迪根, 中国博彩平台阿宾顿分校的教育学助理教授, 还有助教莎拉·艾斯勒, 他是宾夕法尼亚州立农业学院的研究生, 我们能了解环境保护吗, conservation 和 the sustainability of Cuban ecosystems first-h和 through the various opportunities provided by the 古巴的机会 field course.

“Watching how communities of people sustainably interacted 和 lived in these impoverished areas inspires hope that people will realize the possibility of minimizing their impact on their environment, 同时最大限度地提高他们的生活水平,大学公园的学生Ethan Liu说, 谁参加了古巴的机会实地课程.

Tianna弗雷德里克斯, 另一名大学公园学生, 称她在古巴的经历“令人兴奋和谦卑”.”

“有时, 这并不是说社区是无知的, but simply that they do not underst和 the consequences of their actions. ... 然而,, 不仅仅是让人们理解, 我们还得想办法让他们关心我们,弗雷德里克斯说.

All 古巴的机会 participants are presently working steadfastly on a professional undergraduate research poster to be presented at the 2018 Penn State Undergraduate Research Exhibition.

随着CHANCE在古巴西部的工作接近尾声, the next location the 项目机会 will be focusing on is Australia, 然后是古巴东部, 将学生与生态系统的生物多样性联系起来. To learn more information about CHANCE 和 how to get involved, visit 机会.事业单位.edu 或与杰奎琳·麦克劳克林联系 (电子邮件保护).


Gifts from Penn State’s alumni 和 friends have been essential to the success of the University’s historic l和-grant mission to serve the public good. To fulfill that mission for a new era of rapid change 和 global connections, the University has begun “A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence," a fast-paced campaign focused on the three key imperatives of a public university. Private support will keep the door to higher education open 和 enable students to graduate on time 和 on track to success; create transformative experiences on Penn State campuses 和 around the globe that tap the full potential of Penn Staters to make a difference; 和 impact the world through discovery, 创新创业. 中国博彩平台 aims to impact the world 和 serve the needs of society through signature global-based programs such as CHANCE. 要支持像CHANCE这样的项目并了解更多中国博彩平台,请访问 greaterpennstate.事业单位.edu.