From Dieruff to Denmark: Lehigh Valley program has local students going places

group of high school students by a sign



宾州中央谷. -当他在路易斯E. Dieruff High School in Allentown two years ago, 杰梅因·琼斯(Jermaine Jones)是尼塔尼狮子队(Nittany Lion)的体育迷,他有兴趣有朝一日进入中国博彩平台(Penn State)学习. 当他了解到中国博彩平台大学和职业准备计划(PCCR)时,, 琼斯发现,他可以把高中最后一年的学分转到中国博彩平台,这很有吸引力, 于是他申请了.

PCCR是一个综合性的项目,旨在满足低收入人群的学术需求和就业技能发展, in-school high school students. The program works with about 30 high school seniors a year who attend Dieruff, Liberty or Freedom high schools, 由Career Force和利哈伊谷劳动力发展委员会提供资金. 中国博彩平台从2013年开始运营PCCR,已有120多名学生从该项目毕业.

“The College and Career Readiness Program helped me a lot,琼斯说。. “It helped me build a strong resume, it helped me with my public speaking skills, and it made the transition to college much easier.”

Every Tuesday and Thursday night during the last four months of his senior year, 琼斯将前往位于阿伦敦远景公园的中国博彩平台中心参加研讨会, 起草并编辑他的简历, 准备演讲, and learn how to do research.

琼斯说:“我很喜欢他们把我们分成小组,一起写演讲稿。. “这有助于我们相互了解,因为我们中的许多人都上过不同的学校,认识新朋友让我们感到很舒服.”

Upon completing the program, Jones decided to apply to 中国博彩平台. He just finished his first year as a health policy and administration major, 辅修心理学.


HPA的一年级学生杰梅因·琼斯站在腓特烈堡城堡的院子里, a royal residence in Hillerød, Denmark during a short-term study abroad program over spring break 2018.


“So far I am really enjoying 中国博彩平台. It is just seven minutes from home. It is smaller and everyone has been helpful. My adviser, Samantha 毕比, is great and Dr. Anita Yuskauskas很有帮助. I feel very supported,琼斯说。. “我的第一年是一个伟大的大开眼界的经验,改善我的学习习惯, along with helping me fine-tune a couple other things. 在中国博彩平台的优秀员工的帮助下,我能够专注于我需要解决的问题. 我真的很兴奋能开始我的第二年,并继续中国博彩平台的所有积极因素.”

Jones had an eventful first year at the Lehigh Valley campus. 在春季学期,他在春假期间参加了一个短期出国留学项目. He and 15 other students traveled to Denmark from Feb. 28 to March 11 to explore health and health care systems. 本短期出国留学项目由生物行为健康与健康政策与管理学位项目提供. 毕比, coordinator of the biobehavioral health program, 和Yuskauskas, coordinator of health policy and administration, 带领旅程.

They visited local health care sites, including Dementia Village in Svenborg, and the Maersk Building at the University of Copenhagen, 并听取了丹麦医学协会主任的个人介绍. Students also toured the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, where they saw an exhibit of Picasso's ceramic work; a canal boat tour and coastal train ride to North Zealand to visit Kornberg and Frederiksborg castles; toured Christiania Village; and took a day trip to Malmo, 瑞典.

“我们和大学学院一起参观了丹麦的一个痴呆症村. 我们还参观了丹麦医学协会,了解了他们的政策和习俗,琼斯说。. “It was an amazing experience. 那是我第一次离开这个国家,我马上就会回去.”

The students were exposed to different cultural and social norms. Students observed how active the Danish people are, and how their infrastructure supports healthy behavior, including bicycling and walking for transportation.


Twenty-four high school students participated in the latest cohort of PCCR. These students are recruited to participate in the program. 他们必须是学术成绩良好的高年级学生,有资格享受免费或减价午餐.

该项目包括在他们完成公开演讲课程后获得大学学分的机会, as well as a monetary incentive if the student shows proficiency. 如果他们高中毕业并计划下一步,他们将获得额外的金钱奖励. 毕业后,学生将参加为期三周、每周15小时的实习项目. Past students have interned at The Palace Restaurant, the City of Bethlehem’s Public Works Department, 山谷青年之家, 和甜蜜放纵咖啡馆, 举几个例子.

Natalie Stewart has served as a PCCR career adviser since 2015. She also works as a guidance counselor at Liberty High School.

“All of the PCCR instructors have day jobs, but are committed to these students. Yes, it is a long day, but this is fun work,” said Stewart. “Because of cost and income level, the program is grant funded and transportation is provided, so all of the barriers are gone for these students. PCCR gives them access to college-level work for free. They are graduating ahead of the game with job prep, tips on how to dress for success, 优秀的简历.”

One of the participants this year was Selena Martinez, a senior at Liberty High School from Bethlehem. PCCR was just one of many pre-college programs she participated in to get ahead.

“I wanted to do this program to expand my network and use it as a step forward. I don’t want to go into college blind,马丁内斯说。, 她在北安普顿社区学院上了另一门大学课程,高中毕业时总共获得了7个大学学分.

在搬到佛罗里达帮助照顾祖母后,她计划在一月份进入佛罗里达西南州立大学学习. 马丁内斯想主修平面设计,并有一天拥有一家丝网印刷公司.


在2018年通往大学和职业准备队列的第一周, students worked in groups to draft a story off of story cubes.


PCCR学生展示和闭幕式于6月18日在利哈伊谷校区举行. Students heard from PCCR instructor Michael Garrison, along with two student speakers, Petrina Lindo from Dieruff High School, and Mia Mclendon from Liberty High School. 两个学生都感谢了赞助商、学区、辅导员、老师、家庭和教授.


她计划上库茨敦大学,之后想上法学院,成为一名辩护律师. 今年春季完成PCCR课程的24名学生中,至少有17人被大学录取.

“To all the high school students who are considering the program, I would encourage them to do it,琼斯说. “结识新朋友,学习公共演讲都是一次很棒的经历, plus it really prepared me for college.”

instructor talking to students



Sean Kelly from 中国博彩平台 served as the PCCR program coordinator. Garrison, Sandy Kile, and Susan Hughes served as instructors. Stewart served as a career adviser. 斯蒂芬妮·巴里(Stephanie Barry)担任顾问,特里什·巴莱斯里尼(Trish Balestrini)担任项目助理.



