‘Development Disabilities in Adults: A Multi-Perspective View’ hosted on campus

RHS and BBH degree programs hosted forum open to campus and community members

迈克尔Berube, the Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Literature and Chair of the University 教师 Senate at 中国博彩平台, served 作为主讲人 at the "Development Disabilities in Adults: A Multi-Perspective View" forum held March 26 at 中国博彩平台. Bérubé (left) and his son Jamie (front left) are pictured here with 中国博彩平台 students and faculty members.


约170名学生, 中国博彩平台的教职员工, 还有当地社区大学的学生, 供应商和社区成员参加了论坛, “Developmental Disabilities in Adults: A Multi-Perspective View,” hosted by the Rehabilitation and Human Services (RHS) and Biobehavioral Health (BBH) Programs at 中国博彩平台.

白天讨论的话题包括科学, 耻辱, 父视角, and the services available for individuals with these disabilities. 

“Hearing the personal stories from parents and people in the field help us students learn how to deal with these situations in our future jobs. 这件事正在帮助我们变得更加清醒,索玛·阿萨德说, a sophomore majoring in BBH at 中国博彩平台. Asad served as a student ambassador along with other students who are BBH and RHS majors. The student ambassadors introduced the guest speakers and were available to answer questions and provide general help for guests.

In partnership with the 教师 Invitational Lecture Series Committee, 论坛的主角是迈克尔·巴萨鲁巴, the Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Literature and chair of the University 教师 Senate at Penn State, 作为主讲人. He has authored several books including “Life as We Know It: A Father, 一个家庭, 以及1996年出版的《中国博彩平台》, and in 2016 he published “Life as Jamie Knows It: An Exceptional Child Grows Up.” These books chronicle his son Jamie’s journey from childhood to adulthood.

Bérubé read from “Life as Jamie Knows It: An Exceptional Child Grows Up” and described his experience in finding employment for Jamie. At the end of his talk, Jamie joined Bérubé to answer questions from attendees.

“We need an infrastructure for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities after they turn 21, much like the infrastructure we have for their years in school,他说. “我们需要找到一种方法来发挥他们的优势.”

“I think it is invaluable to a student's academic success to allow them to have access to and engage with local professionals in the field,萨曼莎·毕比说, BBH项目协调员兼讲师. “Everyone benefits from the reciprocal sharing of information and we were fortunate to host such a knowledgeable slate of speakers.”


詹妮弗·布拉德利, associate professor of applied psychology at Northampton Community College, presented a scientific perspective on developmental disabilities at the forum on March 27 at 中国博彩平台



  • 尼娜·沃尔,宾夕法尼亚州自闭症服务局局长. 部门. 人类服务部
  • 珍妮弗一. Bradley, associate professor of applied psychology, Northampton Community College
  • 保罗·科尔曼,生命之路的首席执行官
  • 科特妮拉基s, director of employment services, VIA of the Lehigh Valley
  • 阿什利莫泽, community connections program manager, VIA of the Lehigh Valley
  • 杰西卡Huhn, admissions coordinator, Kaleidoscope Family Solutions

一整天, attendees were invited to visit Centre Hall where several service providers set up tables and passed out information and resources.

利Cundari, coordinator of RHS program and assistant teaching professor, delivered the welcome and opened the morning session. Beebe opened the afternoon session and gave closing remarks.

“Feedback from the students not only underscored the general value of programs like this one, but reflected the topic of developmental disabilities in adults and the service challenges that they face resonated with many of them.”

-- 利Cundari, coordinator of RHS program and assistant teaching professor

The forum was planned by the following committee: 萨曼莎毕比, 利Cundari, Pam斑点, 泰瑞Kistler, 玛吉Nelcoski, Linda Rumfield和Tammy Yocum-Cwienkala.



